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Tbilisi appellate court, June 8, 2017.

KK&Partners wins the BAT case against OGT.

This is truly an unprecedented victory in the history of the Georgian judiciary. KK&Partners, led by Giorgi Kavlashvili and Irakli Kldiashvili, won 100MUSD case against the local tobacco manufacturer OGT . The Tbilisi appellate court heard the case on June 8, 2017 and reversed the trial court decision from February 10, 2017. Georgian media, constantly observing the process, echoed immediately. Popular business web magazines in Georgia, Commersant and Business Media, interviewed Mr. Skhvitaridze, director of corporate and regulatory affairs  at British American Tobacco, who exclusively told “Commersant” that  this unprecedented amount of money [which] means that the judicial system really works in the country.

See more: http://commersant.ge/?m=5&news_id=52291&cat_id=6





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